Planning by Starlight Digital Planner 2023

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Planning By Starlight: Planning from a Place of Purpose + Presence

Welcome to Planning by Starlight - the Planner that supports you in planning from a place of purpose so that you can be fully present.

What would happen, we wondered, if we started designing a planner not with the days and dates in mind, but rather with a purpose in mind?

The purpose of someone who loves the Sacred Arts, magic, divination, and/or astrology, who also happens to be busy…with work, family, and all of the good things in life, and who has a BIG dream, desire, or devotion that everything else should speak to and support.

What would happen if we created a planner whose first and central job was to support us in fully engaging with our purpose so that we could in turn be fully. present for the beautiful, crazy, difficult lives we have right here and now, and whose secondary job was to give us a place to write down that coffee date on 10:00am next Thursday?

Would such a thing even be possible?

We discovered not only that it is possible, but that it is also beautiful. And, as it turns out, when you start from a place of purpose and presence, even the design of the calendar where you jot down that 10:00am coffee meeting looks better.


Planning by Starlight is not a way of life. We believe you already have that and anyway, and no planner or agenda really could take on that role anyway.

Planning by Starlight is a powerful tool that combines our collective knowledge of astrology, divination, ritual, and magic with our love of clean and organized spaces. It has all of what you want with nothing that you don’t.

Because plans change, but purpose and presence? Those are solid as stone.

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You'll get the 2023 Planning by Starlight Digital Planner in a Full Color Interactive PDF and Black and White PDF for home-printing.

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Planning by Starlight Digital Planner 2023

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